School. [Evening:] Prayer meeting. Ev[e]ryone [was] blessed—[but] not me. Joan spoke with tongues [but there was] no int[erpretation]. Frank & Stewart were going to bring [a] tape recorder to record it and criticise. Pastor urged us to pray that people who come week by week not to get saved but to criticise should be sorted out. Peter—[in] prophecy—spoke concerning this. Ian [had a] vision. Ken—[in] prophecy—[urged that we] receive the power from the Lord. (He was greatly moved tonight.) [The] hand of God [was] in that meeting. [I] talked [with] Mrs. Wood—that I am missing Audrey again (it’s ⅓yr.). Seeing as I’ve had my eye on girls in church & school I’ve been forgetting Audrey a little, but not tonight. [Back home, I] saw part of [a] play on T.V.: [a] man, immoral, [was] accused of murder [and] found guilty but was not, was oppressed in judgment. Later it reminded me of [the] “Audrey–Protestant Convent” dream—sad! Ian’s vision [was of] two stones lifted without hands out of water. Mark (thus Audrey) thinks it’s Frank & Stew, to be removed from [the] church. Mrs. Wood says Pastor thinks it’s the Powells, who come [on] Sunday night to criticise. Letter from Monique. Frank and Stewart/Stew—referred to as “Frank and his mate” on Sunday 8th October 1967. I first met Frank on Wednesday 22nd June 1966.
“Audrey–Protestant Convent” dream: I had a dream about Audrey one night, when I was still going out with her, perhaps quite early in our relationship. In this dream she was being taken away from me, to be initiated into a “Protestant convent”, and I would never see her again. I remember its being a Protestant convent in the dream because I was under the impression in waking life that the only convents that existed were Catholic ones. I remember the sad parting, at Four Lane Ends, Thornton, for in the dream the convent was situated at the back of Thornton library, just across the road from there. After this I awoke, and how relieved I felt when I realised that it was only a dream, that Audrey was still mine!
Thus Audrey: A later note in the diary states: This implies that Audrey was very much Mark’s “satellite” at this time [5 May 1983]. Audrey went out with Mark briefly.