Wedding of Pamela Williams
From The Cooper Diaries:

 Morn.: Rang Mrs. Williams, “when what time wedding?” Letter from Chris: Copies of “TC Times Letter”[1]; also: ETS.[2] Aft.: Train →M[an]c[hester], after buying GNMM[3] in B[lack]pool. Then →church. Ceremony: 2 hymns & sermon. Took photos. Pam looked quite nice. (Keith vowed clearly and loudly.) Reception: I was a bit shy at entering, not knowing whether in fact I was invited. Stalled, but was {kindly} shown to my place. A count was there. I didn’t know the folks well, so I didn’t speak much. Then, after toasts etc., talked with various people I knew, incl. Hazel’s husband. Then →F[leet]wood, train. Gave Andrea GNMM. Test[imon]y meeting. Pastor testified last. After, Karen & Jean C “interviewed” Graham as I stood {sat (6 Jul. 1969)} there.[4] He said, “I don’t know whether I want to ask her (Karen) out.” I said, “Swine”, and other (mild) things. Karen talked with us while we were tossing a coin several times; she wondered why.[5] Went Woods’, then left ca. 10.40 p.m. → home.
[1] [I received a] letter from Chris [enclosing] copies of [the] T[hornton] C[leveleys] Times letter: Photocopiers were still quite rare in those days and photocopying was not readily available. But Chris had offered to photocopy the clipping of my letter out of Thornton Cleveleys Times, and I had taken him up on his offer. [2] ETS: Evangelical Tract Society. [3] GNMM: Good News for Modern Man, the New Testament in Today’s English Version. Greatly surprised when Andrea Cropper told me that she’d never read the letters of Paul, I bought this modern, easy-to-read edition of the New Testament to give to her, to enable her to do so. [4] Karen and Jean C[oplin] “interviewed” Graham as I sat there: Presumably, Graham and I were sitting and chatting, and these two came up and, ignoring me, proceeded to fire a series of questions at him. See also Karen Hodgkinson: Saturday 5th July 1969. [5] She wondered why: It was to decide which of us would ask her out. Cf. 6 Jul. 1969.
Took photos: And here they are:
