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Bible-Pattern Church

The Bible Pattern Church is one of a number of groupings of Pentecostal churches. Assemblies of God, Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance and the Apostolic Church are others. The local Bible Pattern church that I was familiar with was in Shaw Road, South Shore, Blackpool. Its pastor was the quite elderly, Scottish, Pastor Girvan. It seems there were quite strong bonds of fellowship between them and us at the Full Gospel Church, Fleetwood, for from time to time their young people would visit our church; and I can remember going to a Saturday-evening meeting there, or more than one.

This is a copy of a deleted Wikipedia article.

The Bible-Pattern Church Fellowship was founded in 1939 by George Jeffreys (1889–1962), a Welsh minister who, together with his brother Stephen Jeffreys, in 1915 had founded the Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance, one of the first Pentecostal organisations in Britain.

Differences of opinion regarding church governance eventually led Jeffreys to withdraw from what later came to be called the Elim Pentecostal Church and form the first Bible-Pattern Church Fellowship in Nottingham in 1939. A number of other local churches were subsequently founded in various parts of Britain.

Bible-Pattern churches were also Pentecostal in terms of their doctrine and style of worship, believing (in common with other evangelical churches), in repentance from sin and salvation through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as described in the Bible, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and maintaining that God had given spiritual gifts to the church which members should seek to experience, such as speaking in tongues, prophecy and healing.

Theologically, it can be seen as an offshoot of the Elim Pentecostal Church and, in terms of doctrine was similar, except for its espousal of the doctrines of British Israelism. It was for some time popular in the 1940s and 1950s, attracting many adherents to an annual Convention in London's Westminster Central Hall.

Dear Sir or whom it may concern

I hope you don't mind, but I have taken the liberty of sharing your story about your days in the Blackpool Church on my blogsite as it is relevant to what I am trying to do on my website. I have given credit to you for the article and you will see my thanks at the end of your article.

Sorry for doing this the wrong way round, but I often find emails can take so long to be replied to on the blogsites, if for any reason this is not possible please let me know.

Please see my website

As you will see I have put a site together to tell the story of the Bible Pattern Church I hoped that I could provide a means to show Church locations, times of services etc. Since writing to several Pastors, I am glad to say that plans are in place for some new Church websites to be created and I trust they will allow me to add a link from this website. 

I hope to put together pictures and information about these churches so that you may have the opportunity to visit them and discover a little about the history, present events and the future of God's Work in the UK and beyond.

Sadly, it has come to my attention that some churches have now become independent of the Bible Church Fellowship and do not wish to be included in this site! In these cases, I will not be able to provide a link but hope to provide some historical information and articles from past Pattern articles.

Yours in the love of Christ

# posted by Blogger Peter : 8 May 2013 at 13:48

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