John Edward Cooper’s Notes

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Notes, written 10th May 1975


March 1975 (This Copy made 10 May 1975)
Most people claim that Daniel wasn’t written by Daniel.
Most scholars nowadays believe that Daniel
was written around BC 168 150 165 — so “Critical Intro. to OT” when Antiochus
Epiphanes was persecuting attacking the Jewish nation,
as a piece of apocalyptic to help the people
retain their national hope and faith that
God’s righteousness would triumph.

10 May 1975
This is all very well, and there is a lot
of evidence in support of this claim — historical,
linguistic, and the fact that the “predictions” of
Daniel don’t come true after ca.150 BC.
However, if one believes that Jesus Christ
is/was the Son of God with a unique position
of communication with God — “I say what the
Father says” — as portrayed in the Gospel of John, this view
is untenable, Daniel is predictive with
a predictive message that still has relevance for us today,
and Jesus is coming back again. Moreover,
the Pentateuch was written substantially by
Moses (with scribal additions later) and represents
historical truth, and Ps.CX was written by David.

Problems: “Moses” seems to form a literary
unity with Joshua — questions of style, etc.
⇒ not Mosaic authorship (Josh. describes events after
Moses’ death).

April 1975
Frankly nothing can shock me any more.

10 May 1975
Statement: Miracles in the NT imply no breach of
natural law.

For: The fact that God doesn’t set aside
natural law to save his creatures suffering.
Against: The Resurrection — this I believe
because it seems to me to be the best way
of explaining the historical facts (i.e.
phenomenal power of early Christianity, unanimity
of testimony to resurrection, etc.) — is a breach
of empirical/natural law — dead things just don’t

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