[Friday 17 February 2017]
Mekong Cruise, Cambodia–Vietnam
RV La Marguerite, Cambodia
RV La Marguerite, Vietnam
The Daily Cruiser

It was Janet’s “eat-as-I-please” day (or “pig-out day”, as she refers to it), so she’d set the alarm clock for 6.30am. “Mad monkey!” she wrote: “I should really have had a lie-in, of course. I was in the restaurant just before 7.30am, and I was the first (as is often the case). The staff were falling over themselves to serve me, and was a bit embarrassing; so I was pleased when others came. Phew!…” I got of bed towards 7.30am, showered, and dressed.
Janet continued: “I was glad when [John] arrived after 8am. I’d seen Y and
P just before that at our usual table. We chatted to an Aussie couple, then returned to the cabin, grabbed our stuff, and headed for the Saigon Bar.” “Our stuff” included for me the computer. Checked e-mail accounts (08:59), and did e-mail related things (09:01–09:17). We went to the shop as well, and bought two of the pairs of chopsticks that
Janet had previously seen in there and fancied. After we cast off and turned downstream I went out on deck and took photos. Looking back, I saw the bridge over the Tonlé Sap River.

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:25:28
Phnom Penh

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:25:46
Phnom Penh through the Cambodia-Japan Friendship Bridge over the Tonlé Sap River

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:27:00
Phnom Penh

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:28:18
Phnom Penh

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:28:40
Phnom Penh

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:30:20
Phnom Penh

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:30:52
Phnom Penh

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:30:52 (detail)
Phnom Penh: Burger King
As we proceeded, among the buildings we passed on our right were the Moonlight Pavilion we’d passed yesterday on the way to the entrance to the Royal Palace estate, and the Throne Hall with its four-faced central spire.

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:32:44
Phnom Penh: Wat Ounalom monastery

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:32:44 (detail 1)
Phnom Penh: Wat Ounalom monastery

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:32:44 (detail 2)
Phnom Penh: Wat Ounalom monastery

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:33:38
Phnom Penh: Preah Thineang Chan Chhaya (Moonlight Pavilion) (centre right) and Preah Tineang Tevea Vinichhay (Throne Hall) (left)

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:34:12
Preah Ang Dorngkeu Shrine (foreground); Preah Tineang Tevea Vinichhay (Throne Hall) (background)
We’d been told that Phnom Penh stands at the confluence of three rivers: the Tonlé Sap, the Mekong, and the Bassac. I looked back and saw the Tonlé Sap, along which we’d come, to the left, a big new hotel on the tongue of land between the Tonlé Sap and the Mekong, and the Mekong itself to the right. I wasn’t expecting, where the Tonlé Sap met Mekong, that there’d initially be a distinct boundary between the muddy yellow water of the former and the blue-green water of the latter.

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:37:38
Chrouy Changvar District (right) between the Tonlé Sap and Mekong rivers: Tonlé Sap (left)

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:38:22
Chrouy Changvar District (left) between the Tonlé Sap and Mekong rivers: Mekong (right)
But where was the Bassac? It emptied into the Mekong on the starboard side, around (and mainly just beyond) Diamond Island. On that, there was a new, white structure which looked like a cross between Angkor Wat and the original Wembley Stadium.

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:41:16
Koh Pich (Diamond Island)

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:42:40
Sokha Phnom Penh Hotel, Chrouy Changvar District: confluence of yellow water (Tonlé Sap) and green-blue (Mekong)

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:42:56
Confluence of the Mekong (blue-green) and Tonlé Sap (yellow) rivers

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:44:12
Confluence of the Mekong (blue-green) and Tonlé Sap (yellow) rivers
On 16
February 2017 I mentioned seeing “large barges low in the water”; less than ¼-hour later, I saw with what activity these were connected: dredging the river-bed.

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:54:36
Riverbed dredging on the Mekong

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:55:00
Riverbed dredging on the Mekong

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 09:55:10
Riverbed dredging on the Mekong

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 10:04:58
Barge, low in the water, laden with Mekong riverbed silt
…Janet had her journal with her, for she wrote: “It’s now 10.45am and we’re finally on the
Mekong.[i] Another hot day. We sat around in the Saigon Lounge until just after 12, then were joined by
Y and P.” Janet made no mention that, before this, starting ca.10.30am, there was a demonstration in the Saigon Lounge of towel-folding by Housekeeping Supervisor Thư Nguyễn, and after that of napkin-folding by
maître d’ Dary Tep. He might have had the rank of “maître d’”; but as far as we were concerned, he was the very efficient and agreeably cheeky waiter who served us at our table.
- [i] Finally, i.e. in contrast to the previous days of the voyage, when we’d been on the Tonlé Sap. Today, we’d been on the Mekong since

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 10:39:02
“Towel folding demonstration”

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 10:40:46
Towel folding demonstration by Housekeeping Supervisor Thư Nguyễn

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 10:42:00
Thư Nguyễn

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 10:44:42
“Napkin folding demonstration”

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 10:44:28
Napkin folding demonstration by maître d’ Dary Tep

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 10:44:28 (detail)
Dary Tep

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 10:48:50
Napkin folding demonstration by maître d’ Dary Tep
At ca.11am I ordered the first of a number of beers, and snacked on the dried peas, which were immediately searing-hot to the taste, but only temporarily so.

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 11:29:14
In the Saigon Lounge
Janet wrote, “Just after 12” we “were joined by Y
and P. At 12.30pm we went for lunch.… We stayed and chatted until 2.15pm: great fun! At one point I knocked my drink over and it sprayed over [John]. The staff were there instantly to clear up the mess. What service! We returned to our cabin then went up to the sun deck. It was covered by a canopy but it was seriously hot. I found the seats at the table very hard and uncomfortable, and really couldn’t cope with the blubbery people sat around
cancering.[ii] Obscene! Made me feel quite sick. So we decamped to the Saigon Lounge. It was much cooler there, and more comfortable. I had a large ‘decaff’ and a couple of biscuits, and later a pineapple and cranberry juice cocktail. I… updated this, and read. At 3.45pm a cooking class (making spring rolls) started. I suddenly felt quite tired, so returned to the cabin to lie down. [It was] much better in the cabin then, as we could see the Mekong and the bank; the cabin felt much bigger. [John] returned soon after, but around 4pm we finally arrived at the border into Vietnam and he left to take photos.” I’d not been watching the progress of the ship out of the window up to this point; I was just aware that we’d stopped. Because we’d been heading downstream, my seeing the customs buildings,
etc., on the starboard side made me think they were on the west bank. It was only after I started taking photos, that I realised that the signs in Vietnamese were to the right, and the one in Khmer was to the left, and therefore must be on the
east bank. What’s more, the sun was in the wrong place! We must therefore
have turned 180° about before dropping anchor. The same had been true at Phnom Penh; we’d been moored on the west bank, yet the view out of our port-side cabin window was of the dock structure, not out across the river. (In fact, that calls to mind the boating holiday on the River Ouse in 1985; our boat was easily manoeuvrable
against the current, but not with the current.)
- [ii] Cancering — i.e. doing their utmost, by over-exposure of large areas of skin to intense sunlight, to contract melanoma.

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 16:23:48
MV La Marguerite

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 16:35:58
MV La Marguerite

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 16:36:08
MV La Marguerite

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 16:26:06
Cambodia–Vietnam border
←Cambodia Vietnam→

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 16:31:08
Cambodia–Vietnam border

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 16:31:20
Cambodia–Vietnam border: “Thuong Phuoc Border Gate Customs Branch”

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 16:31:20 (detail)
Cambodia–Vietnam border: “Thuong Phuoc Border Gate Customs Branch”

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 16:31:42
Cambodia–Vietnam border: “Thuong Phuoc International Border Gate”

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 16:31:42 (detail)
Cambodia–Vietnam border: “Thuong Phuoc International Border Gate”

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 16:31:56
Cambodia–Vietnam border: “Kohroka Customs and Excise Office”

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 16:31:56 (detail)
Cambodia–Vietnam border: “Kohroka Customs and Excise Office”
“He returned round 4.45pm,” Janet wrote. “I hadn’t slept, just rested, but still felt tired. However, we went up to the sun deck at 5pm to the Ice Cream Party. I wasn’t hungry, but managed mango and apricot sorbet. Delicious and refreshing. It was a lot cooler up there as the sun had gone down a bit.”

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 17:14:24
Leading cattle from the river

Saturday 18 February 2017 — 17:14:24 (detail)
Leading cattle from the river
“Around 5.30pm,” Janet wrote, “we returned to the cabin. I sorted out some laundry, updated this, and shall now have a shower so I don’t need to have one after dinner. [John] slept. At
ca.7pm we went for dinner. A good meal and a good laugh.” As usual, the wine flowed freely at dinner, and I made use of the Saigon Lounge bar afterwards as well. “I was ready for bed after that,”
Janet continued, “but was outvoted, and we went to the Saigon Lounge — for karaoke!… I was too tired, really, but I stayed until 9.40pm — was I the only sober person there? — after [John’s] rendition of
Bohemian Rhapsody, which impressed everyone.” I was singing along to
Bohemian Rhapsody, when suddenly I found the microphone thrust into my hands! When the guitar riff of the hard rock interlude started I imitated the head-banging as done in the movie
Wayne’s World. After the song was finished, one younger man, on a table a couple of rows forward of ours, looked at me and, giving a “like” gesture
( ), exclaimed, “My man!” Most of the passengers were older people, our age or older, but he and his cronies were perhaps in their forties. After
Janet left, I stayed on with P and Y; and after they left, the same younger man waved me over to join them. There was no one nearby able or willing to partner me with Sonny and Cher’s
I Got You Babe, so I did both parts! I also did Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da with my best Jamaican accent, before leaving to go back down to the cabin.
[Sunday 19 February 2017]