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The Knott End campaign begins

1965, the year that changed my life
We are baptised

Perhaps Sunday 24th October 1965
1. I forget exactly when the Knott End campaign[1] took place, except that:
  • it was for a number of days[2] in 1965;
  • it was when the chill autumn wind was in my nostrils;[3]
  • there was a celebration of Hallowe’en by the young people of the church around the same time;[4] and
  • the dates included Sunday 7th November.[5]

The local cinema[6] was hired as the venue for the meetings. A coach was laid on for us to go to at least two of them: on a Sunday,[7] and to a midweek meeting.[8] We didn’t go on the ferry; we went round by the nearest road route, crossing the Wyre further upriver by the toll bridge, Shard Bridge,[9] a journey of some 15 miles.

[1] See The Knott End campaign.
[2] According to The Knott End campaign, par.2, as I originally wrote it, “The local cinema was hired for a week”; but I have changed that to read: “The local cinema was hired as the venue for the meetings”.
[3] Cf. The Knott End campaign, par.4.
[4] See The Hallowe’en party.
[5] See The Knott End campaign: Sunday 7th November 1965.
[6] The local cinema: Verona Cinema, 93 Lancaster Road, Knott End-on-Sea, FY6 0AU

Ordnance Survey map (retrieved from Bing Maps, 2024), showing Fleetwood and Knott End, with the location of Verona Cinema in Lancaster Road, Knott End, added
[7] On a Sunday: Chris Woodhead, recalling in the late 1970s the Knott End Campaign, thought that on the Sunday evening, we perhaps went over to Knott End immediately after our own meeting — to start, say, at 8.30 p.m. for an hour.
[8] See On the Knott End coach with Audrey.
[9] Shard Bridge:

Photo taken soon after its opening in 1864

 2. I remember Nando Terranova, an Italian who belonged to our church and was part of the instrumental group that played on Sunday evenings, giving a recital on his accordion; and I assume that Angela Bidle, Pastor’s daughter, would have sung a few numbers too, for she sang regularly at church. Then John Nelson Parr spoke.

"Nando Terranova" — attempting to catch and swallow a peanut in the late 1960s

"Angela Bidle…", "Pastor…" — late 1960s

"John Nelson Parr" — ca.1970
 3. Attendance by the locals was poor — the cinema was almost empty — and not many decisions for Christ were recorded.

On the Knott End coach with Audrey

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