Early Days Sunday 16th July 1950 1. Chris Woodhead was born on Sunday 16th July 1950 at the Belvedere nursing home, Hainton Avenue, Grimsby.[1] [1] Belvedere Nursing Home: When I first wrote this (June 1979), Chris and I went to the same dentist, M.J. Booth, at 410 Hainton Avenue, Grimsby. I was surprised to learn that this used to be the very Belvedere nursing home where Chris was born. 1955 2. He lived at his grandparents’ house, a terraced house in Veal Street, Grimsby, until the birth of his brother David,[2] when, leaving his grandparents, the family moved to Felstead Road, Grimsby. [2] The birth of his brother David: This was in August 1955.
1955–1957 3. Chris went first to Yarborough Road infants’ school,[3] then at the age of seven[4] went to the adjoining junior boys’ school. [3] Chris went first to Yarborough Road infants’ school: This was in 1955. 1960 4. He remembers that the last class he was in,[5] Class 4A, was in a room right at the end of the school building, that is, at the far end from Yarborough Road.[6] [5] The last class he was in: In 1960. See also The Woodheads move to Thornton. |
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