John Edward Cooper’s Notes

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Monday 14th March 1966


The diary-entry for today is as follows:

Went tracking a bit—was in mood.
Witnessed to lads but was let down.
Prayed with Robert, Ken, Aud and
was blessed. Talking with Elsie W.
and Elsie Gooding (who had come
from parents’ evening).
Witnessed to lads but was let down: Now what did I mean by that? Could the word read as “let” in fact be “bit”? — “[I] witnessed to [some] lads but [not very effectively because I] was [feeling a] bit down.” This would accord with the earlier statement: “[I] was in [a bad] mood.”

Robert: Robert Parkinson, I assume. But cf. Wednesday 23rd March 1966 where it is Robert Miller who is mentioned; however, there, I felt the need to add the surname Miller.

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