1966![]() Read Romans: “Read” is imperative; i.e., this is a note telling me to read Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. Door-to-door in Poulton (distribution): My Mum used to go “distributing”: delivering handbills, advertisements or free-offer coupons door-to-door. She worked for one or two people at this, but mainly for one Mrs. West. She introduced me to this job during the school holidays. I think this page records wages for both today’s work and that done on Wednesday 10th August 1966. If that is so, I was paid a guinea a day (£1/1s, or in “new” money £1.05). Another miserable evening. Didn’t go [to the] Prayer Meeting: Evidently the act of “•” so soiled my conscience that I felt unable to attend the meeting. |
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