John Edward Cooper’s Notes

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Miss J. Quick

Although I was going out with Gillian,—
—my increasing tendency to admire other girls was evident when, after a gap of a couple of weeks, my diary-writing was resumed, on Wednesday 24 Feb. 1971. This was the second day of my “Introductory Course” at the Department of Health and Social Security’s Blackpool Central Office at Norcross. In the evening I wrote:
Yesterday [on the first day of] this course,… in my “course assessment” syndicate, there was also a slim, quite nice-looking, good-complexioned (beautiful skin!), fine-breasted young woman with the name, as I ascertained from her name-board, [of] Miss J. Quick.
With the Introductory Course, there was a course handout, a booklet, in which was listed “Officers attending the course”. There were 12 names, including “Miss J Quick N6C”. But I didn’t know what N6C was; I knew that the “N” stood for Norcross, that “6” meant Block 6, and that “C” was some division within Block 6, but I didn’t know what function N6C served—till—
…at around 17:40 [I] just looked at handouts for [the] half-day induction course…
—which I’d been on, on 31 Dec. 1970. The handouts included a list of offices and their functions.
…Apparently N6C is Typing and Reproduction. So is the delightsome-looking Miss J. Quick the same girl that I was impressed with a few weeks back when Mrs. Williams sent me to “Reproduction Unit, R[oom] 104” to see Mr. McCutcheon? I think she must be the same one. I have just been greatly surprised when I found out N6C is Reproduction—a sort of pang of shock… [On] the second day of the course, today, I was being filled with delightful sensations because of this beauty, a feeling of rapture enfolding me (in other words, I found when I saw her again this morning, that I had developed a king-size crush on her).
There follow in the diary some notes on two or three of the women on the course, including:
Miss J. Quick: Beautiful complexion. Small, slim, quite pretty. Wore leather coat at times and black trousers.
A small sketch by this note reminds me that the leather coat was fairly short, somewhat flared, and coloured white, and that the black trousers were also flared. She had just-below-shoulder length, dark, wavy hair. The diary, incidentally, records that in the evening I went to the church club:
Club, tonight… Linked arms with Jenny and Janet [while] going, and with Jenny on [the] way back. I behaved amorously [with her], but no x x [occurred].

Jenny, 1973

Janet, 1973
Thursday 25 Feb. 1971—the day after the Induction Course:
…I had that “second day” feeling today, you know, when you [have said] goodbye to a girl you fancy, the “butterflies” feeling with a little bit of sadness you get the day after. I had a course in R[oom] 116 today ([rather,] this morning) and I thought maybe she would be there, but no… In the afternoon, towards the end [of the working day], Mr. Winders came to me and said, “Would you just go down to Room 104 with this.” So I said, “Yeah, all right”, that is to say, I disguised the feeling of “Certainly, Mr. Winders, of course, thank you, you’ve made my day!” Anyway, she was there, [but] she didn’t strike me as being the ravishing beauty she had done. Not so bad, though. When the stuff I’d taken down there was being xeroxed, I went up to her and said, “Boo!” I talked with her, then some women from the office behind said, “Come along, Miss Quick, we’re waiting for you.” They laughed and pointed the finger. I pretended to look shocked. She went bright red! They think something’s going on.
I never did get to know what the “J” in her name stood for. Her colleagues weren’t any help, because in mock formality they addressed her as “Miss Quick”.
Gillian phoned, dinner and night…
I went home for my lunch, so that is when Gillian phoned the first time.

Friday 26 Feb. 1971:
…My girlie met me [as I was coming] out of the gates [from work]… I saw Miss Quick, and said hello, and she back. I wonder what she thought—me with a girlie!

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