At Mum’s
Extract from The Cooper Diaries:…Heavy rain, which didn’t abate till a little before midday. In the bay-window there’s an enamelled metal pot with a lid. Inside, in a leather sheath, is a small penknife, stamped “ ” [Joseph Rodgers & Sons, where Grandad Cooper was employed, followed by the Sheffield silver mark for 1924].
 Mum said — she’d never told anybody this before — that she never liked Grandad Cooper. For when she was staying at Napier Avenue, she’d been to the loo, and there he was at the top of the stairs, saying, “Are you going to give me a Christmas kiss, then?” Mum found the silly glasses with eyes printed on them, and I put them on. J and I got the bus to Cleveleys, but it was so cold and drizzly that we didn’t stop long and got the bus back. Newly constructed promenade
 The wreck of the Riverdance
 The wreck of the Riverdance (enhanced) All we did was to walk up to the newly constructed promenade to look across to the wreck, that Mum told us about, of the
Riverdance, on its side with a cut-out gap in its structure, obscured by mist; and to get some pastrami, blue cheese and a bottle of red wine from
B&M Bargains. We got off the bus and went to the Somerfield supermarket where Thornton-Cleveleys railway station used to be, and got some
Black Magic chocs for Mum, and some soda water to replace the bottle I’d drunk. Even.: We watched a Sherlock Holmes DVD, with Basil Rathbone in it.