1965, the year that changed my life Back at the Full Gospel Church, Fleetwood
Perhaps Wednesday 25th August 1965 1.
Mr. and Mrs. W— wrote Peter and me a letter, which they posted on Tuesday 24th August 1965. It was addressed to my house, so I probably got it the next day.

## Sherwood St. Kirkby-in-Ashfield Notts.
Dear John and Peter, Thank you for your letter. Your stay with us caused no inconvenience at all. We would like to thank you again for the Chocs and Flask but you need not have bought them just for staying here. Ian will let you know sometime if he intends coming over for a day or two next summer. Well I don’t think there is much more to say so Cheerio and keep in touch.
Mr. and Mrs. W— and Ian.
2. Pastor and Mrs. Williams also wrote to Peter and me; they sent us a postcard from Switzerland, postmarked “Reichenbach im Kandertal”. They posted it on Saturday 21st August 1965, so it would have arrived at the same time as, or shortly after, the letter from the W—s.

Dear John and Peter, Pastor and I are here campaigning in Switzerland. The meetings are being blessed and a few were filled with the Holy Ghost last night. Trust you had a nice holiday at Nottingham. The girls are at Scotland this week and seem to be having a nice time.
God bless. Love, Pastor and Mrs. Williams x x
The death of Mr. Gooding