1965, the year that changed my life Pamela’s tenth letter
Perhaps Friday 9th July 1965 Pam wrote her eleventh letter to me on Thursday, “8/7/65”, in her “dinner hour at work”, posting it shortly afterwards, so I probably received it on Friday 9th July 1965.

69, Upper Chorlton Rd. Whalley Range, M/c 16. 8/7/65
Dear John, Thanks for your letter. I’m writing this letter in my dinner hour at work. I’m dressing the window today. It’s a change from serving anyway. Dad’s still away at Belgium. We had a letter from him this morning. He said the campaign’s going very well. Remember I told you about doing filming at the youth meeting. Well, we moved to another group last Monday called the Commandos. We do such things as giving tracts out and witnessing in youth clubs and coffee bars so it should be quite interesting, don’t you think? How’s your youth meetings on Sunday nights going on? It’s not long off our holiday now, is it? I’ll have to start packing soon as it takes me ages to decide what to take. Mum says thanks very much for the lovely card. It was a nice surprise. You asked me if I knew who Jim was. I’m afraid I’ve no idea. Write and tell me when you find out. Well, I’ll close now, John, as I’ll not catch the post.
’Bye for now. Love, Pam. x x x x x x
I no longer have any recollection of this “Jim” that I asked Pam about, unless I meant Jim Thompson, a recent graduate, I think, of the Assemblies of God Bible College at Kenley. I can’t remember when he started gaining pastoral experience in the rôle of assistant to Stanley Smith at the Full Gospel Church, Fleetwood, but if this is the Jim I was referring to, perhaps he was about to be appointed. Maybe I had been told that he had been to or worked with Sharon Full Gospel Church, so I wondered if Pam knew of him.
My Dad goes to the church