John Edward Cooper’s Notes

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Friday 28th January 1966


At the top of the page for 27–29 January there is a note—

—presumably some sort of revision-plan prior to the exams. In the NOTES section is this note:

Pay Mrs. Smith for badge.
There is also this note:

Fri.Phys Practical
Maths Co-ord. Calc
The diary-entry proper for today is as follows:

Morning did some maths
and physics revision. In afternoon
Maths test. Quite easy. Then Chemi
prac. (not exam). Put leaflets
advertising film thru doors in Fwood
with Aud. Evening—Party at our
house with Aud’s lot & Peter. Slight
disagreement there.
There is no reference in the diary-entry to a Physics Practical examination, but there is a reference to a Maths test in the afternoon. This, then, must have been in Co-ordinate Geometry and Calculus. Indeed, the NOTES section for next week says:

(Last Fri. Calculus and Co-ordinate.)
The film referred to was “Martin Luther”, being shown at the church on Saturday. In the NOTES section is a pencilled note about it:

Film Sat:
“Martin Luther”

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