1965, the year that changed my life Back at church
Perhaps Monday 26th July 1965 1.
On the evening of our return from Scarborough Camp, Chris wrote me a letter from his Auntie Joan and Uncle Gordon’s house in Grimsby, where he was staying. It is postmarked with Sunday’s date, “4.15PM 25
JLY 1965”, so I probably received it on Monday.

136, Clee Rd GRIMSBY Lincs Saturday (NIGHT)
Dear John, Hope you got home safely, I got here about ½ past 2, as I just missed the 10 past 12 ferry so I had to wait till the 1.15. I thought I’d let you know, that I’m stopping here while next Saturday, and then coming home on the bus. I hope you can do without me that long, still I suppose, you’ll be gallivanting off to Blackburn, to see Ann. I’m going to the Full Gospel Church in Pasture St. tomorrow night. I’ve never been before so it’ll be an experience. Tell Pastor and them where I am won’t you or they’ll think I’ve forsaken them. You didn’t by any chance pack my pillow slips in your case, or Peter’s, ’cause I can’t find them anywhere, and I’ve lost a new pair of socks, so will you see if you’ve put them in by mistake for me please. If you do find them, will you take them round to our house as Fido and my Mam are going home tomorrow morning (Sunday).
Oops—![more] I don’t remember seeing any pillowcases, though. My Mam was nearly as upset as us lot about Pam and Hazel, ’cause you know what she’s like, she heard wedding bells as soon as they walked through the back door, poor old Mam. Well I’ll close now, see you next Saturday, I hope. The bus gets in at about 3, so I’ll maybe not see you while after tea.
Yours, Chris
2. I wrote Chris a reply, having attended the two Sunday meetings at the Full Gospel Church, Fleetwood, reporting that our church seemed “dead” after the meetings at Scarborough. I also told him that I had mentioned the situation regarding him and Hazel in my letter to Pam, in the hope that she might be able to help in some way.
Letters from Chris and from Pamela