b. 8, South View, Moor Road, Walesby, 31st December 1949.
 Photo taken on a cycle ride to Walesby on Saturday 21st June 2008. I also cycled to Walesby on Sunday 15th June 1986 and took photos. Jobcentre colleague. A “crush” on her, which started on Tuesday 3rd March 1981, lasted well into the mid-1980’s.
This is her entry on the Friends Reunited website:
Philippa Brumby Schools: 1967: Caistor Grammar School My notes (last updated 15 Nov. 2001):Still living in the area, twice married, failed never was any good with the guys!!! However have three fabulous children who are successful. Have own business as Management Consultant and Investors in People Assessor, travel a lot. The beginning of the Philippa-era D81, page 35, Tues. 3 Mar. 1981, gives no indication of the effect Philippa had on me that day, apart from mentioning that I dreamt about her afterwards in the night:
 Work: Only there morn. & v. briefly aft. ∵ Union Meeting. ‹Annual General Meeting. Ian Leedham, Hull Branch Chairman, guest and he spoke.› (2.30pm: Car →Town Stⁿ. Train →Doncaster. Meeting 5pm–7.30pm-ish, pub, train →home, 10.30pm.) Those attending: Roger O, me, Philippa, Sue L, Lynn S. Dreamt about Φ in night.
Expanded, the diary entry reads: Work: [I was] only there morn[ing] and v[ery] briefly aft[ernoon] because [of the] Union Meeting ‹[the] Annual General Meeting. Ian Leedham, Hull Branch Chairman, [was] guest and he spoke.› [At] 2.30 p.m., [we went by] car [to Grimsby] Town St[atio]n [and went by] train [to] Doncaster. [The] meeting [there lasted from] 5 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.-ish; [then we went to a] pub [before returning by] train. [I arrived] home [at] 10.30 p.m. Those attending [the meeting were]: Roger O[akes], me, Philippa, Sue L[ynam and] Lynn S[mith. I] dreamt about Ph[ilippa] in [the] night. We sat on or near the front row in the meeting. Philippa was estranged from her husband, though they were still living together in the house they had built in Stallingborough. She was seeing Roger Oakes, who sat next to her on her left. I sat on her right. What she was wearing is firmly implanted in my memory and is what I later called DG’s (Devastating Garments): a tight-fitting, fine-knit, blue polo-neck sweater, and a lighter blue, knee-length, wrap-over skirt. She had dark brown, long wavy hair, and was very slim. She used to complain about her small bosom, but what she had appeared high and jutting, almost shelf-like, thanks to the uplift bra that she wore. In my dream of her, she was wearing the DG’s as she sat to the left of me in a car (I must have been driving, then—strange, since I don’t drive!) parked outside my old house in Thornton. When I awoke, I had an aching feeling inside and I couldn’t stop thinking about her; this “crush” lasted well into the mid-1980’s.
D81, page 40, Tues. 10 Mar. 1981:
 Work: Jobshop all day. Even.: stopped in—I did sermon write-up while J read. Then J to bed. I wasn’t sleepy, so I stayed up till after 1pm, listening to tape of [the] G[ospel of] J[oh]n records & praying. I can’t get Φ off my mind—I’m in an “agony” over her—prayed and wept for her, especially: reconciliation in Jesus for her and James— led on to prayer and weeping for others at work—so my passion has its uses! D81, page 42, Thurs. 12 Mar. 1981:
 Work: Jobshop. Symptoms (Φ) worse— ‹so bad that I couldn’t help finding expression for them, so› told Richard A. about feelings for her. They remain unabated: I don’t know what to do—I have no “designs” on her, so this ob- session is useless. I try to put them to some use by channelling them into prayers for her salvation and reconcil- iation with her husband. Told her while cancelling a vacancy that she “looked devastatingly attractive today”. (She was wearing her polo- neck blue jumper which shows her so-slender form.) Even.: Swept up, tapes, TV “Brave New World”. So began the Philippa-era.
In 1985, my wife Janet told me that the actress Jane Russell reminded her of Philippa.

The end of the Philippa-era CW86, pages 421, 422, Thu. 10 Jul. 1986:
 Work. Even[ing]: J to MIND session at Oole Road, and I to Philippa’s for haircut. She said that she’d asked me to remind her and that I hadn’t: I said I thought her words to me yesterday about coming early because she had some alterations to curtains to do at Sue’s were reminder enough. There must have been a change of plans because Roger was there; and she was in no kind of hurry and indeed had made no moves to go out when I left at 8.30-ish. Roger was still there… A note, added to the entry for Thu. 10 Jul. 1986 (CW86, page 422) on 19 Dec. 1986, says:
 I think this was the first visit since 6 May —two whole months. Did Alexander look different? More grown up? —I wondered. And it was the last visit [that I made] to [her home in] Westminster Drive. Philippa has now moved. It’s somewhere in Weelsby Street but I don’t know quite where. My hair is getting rather long. CW87, page 13, Tue. 6 Jan. 1987:
 I’d forgotten dur- ing the almost two weeks I was off how much certain wom- en at work affect me: Alison with her tall elegance and cool whiteness of her blouse. Hazel. Lynn. And now, Marie. I had to see her about filling in a [form] CSC69, and she was wearing a black jumper with V’s back and front. She volunteered that her bra was black too. I definitely feel out of love with Philippa today. She came down and spoke to Yasmin (her number two alparolato) —number one being Steve Alltoft. The “certain women at work” are pictured below:
 Alison, 1989
 Hazel, Friday 16th December 2005
 Lynn, 1987
 Marie, 1989 CW87, page 14, Wed. 7 Jan. 1987, prayer:
 Definitely felt out of sorts and out of love towards Philippa yesterday—but bless her: help her to have some sort of satisfactory life—may you and your ways and your will be revealed to her for her salvation—and similarly bless her children, too. CW87, page 20, Fri. 9 Jan. 1987:

 Work: Interesting, because almost every day Philippa comes down and speaks to Steve or Yasmin but never to me, and I’ve not gone over to speak to her for a long time. So I’ve been out of touch with her. But today I was passing her room on the 4th floor and she came out, and it was like long lost friends chatting. She started off by asking me what we’d done at New Year, and I said it had been a quiet one, just the odd meeting with neighbours; then she told me that she’s a lot happier with her new boyfriend, Kieran. He’s very considerate and affection- ate, and wants to marry her. Problem: he’s Catholic (well, once-Catholic with always-Catholic vestiges). He’s younger than her—and what will his mother think? Older woman, divorcee, not a Catholic. Philippa took Emma & Alexander to church on Christmas Day, Emma under protest, but she quite enjoyed it. All this time I was supposed to be clearing up my work prior to a heavy session with budgeting with the boss & Roger Phillips. But I didn’t care, I knew what my own priorities were. Am I still in love with Philippa? —not at present. It was very pleasant to have an audience with her—and I guess the old feel- ings could return if the circum- stances permitted. CW87, page 74, Tue. 3 Feb. 1987:
 A rare conversation with Philippa. I passed on the 4th floor, she appeared, we talked in their tea room. She’s suffering with ?kidneys again. Back pains, etc. CW87, page 100, Sat. 14 Feb. 1987:
 Valentine’s Day — the first in 5 years I’ve not made some sort of greeting to Philippa. My hair also is getting too long; I’ve not seen her to have it cut since July. I stopped going, to see if she’d miss me, and obviously she didn’t, because she’s never said anything about it to me.