1966 The diary that I started to keep in 1966 is a small week-to-an-opening volume, with four spaces to each page. On the left page is usually found: “Sunday”, “Monday”, “Tuesday”, and “Wednesday”;and on the right: “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saturday”, and “Notes”.The diary proper opens on page 23, and because 1966 started with a Saturday, there is a blank space above the entry “Saturday” in the book. In this space I wrote: Two things in my Bible reading relating to “baptism” confused me:
I made a note to see Pastor about this, but had a word with Les Smith instead: see Sunday 2nd January 1966. The watch-night service, which I went to at the Full Gospel Church, took place between about 11 p.m. on Friday 31st December 1965 and a little after midnight on 1st January 1966. Later, presumably in the afternoon, I went out tracting (or as the young people at Fleetwood called it, “tracking”) with Audrey. Giving out gospel tracts was a regular feature of our activities at that time. But instead of just giving a tract to everyone we encountered we stopped and witnessed to some lads. At the bottom right of each page-opening of the diary is a section marked “Notes”. Normally on a Saturday evening, there would have been the Testimony Meeting at church, but in the NOTES section is written: No meeting on Saturday. So I spent the evening with Audrey and Chris. I wanted to get hold of some notes on “destructive heresies”, which, I think, had been the subject of a series of Tuesday-evening Bible studies given by Pastor Smith. Peter Gooding seems a likely note-taker whom I intended to approach, but since I don’t possess a copy of any such notes, I assume that I didn’t carry out my plan. |
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