In the 1966 diary, after the seven-days-per-opening-plus-notes continuation for January 1967, there appeared sections entitled “NOTES” for the remaining months, two months to each page. I wrote this note in the space for NOTES: AUGUST 1967:

Thursday after Aud & I finished (Aug 3 or 4) had talk with Audrey ’cos very upset — understood much better. She do likes me but doesn’t like me enough to go out with me. All this week I’ve been sad because I’ve remembered things we did and hoping to get back to her. But it’s best the way we are now.
I also started keeping a diary in a notebook, and wrote the following:

Working Mrs. West Tue 1, Wed 2, Thur 3
Thursday 3rd August Have been upset all this week since Audrey & I parted. After prayer meeting had talk with Audrey — v. satisfying — I unders- tand better now. Good prayer meeting — wrote letter to Audrey — See back Appendix to Diary 1967, p.155
Another day of working for Mrs. West—compare Tuesday and Wednesday.
Good prayer meeting: In the evening I went to the prayer meeting at Fleetwood Full Gospel Church—compare my attitude to this meeting with my attitude to last week’s.
Now I had been suffering from a kind of amnesia about why Audrey and I had “packed up”. We had talked it out on the day it happened, and also the following day; but now almost a week later I was baffled and distressed by it: so after the meeting I had a talk with Audrey, and after it felt that I now understood her feelings and motives. I seem to remember being with her on Poulton Road opposite Manor Road, near the Grammar School fence.
The letter to Audrey is as follows:

Thu. 3 Aug. 67 Letter to Audrey I just thought I’d write to you. You probably will think I’m daft, seeing as [on Thursday] we had a nice talk about it all. This is not intended as a romance letter, and I’m not hanging on in the vain hope that we could go out with each other, because I know that this would be im- possible. I want to thank you very sincerely for giving me such great happiness over this last one-and- a-half years, and for the joy that our relationship gave us. On the Friday that we parted you said that you thought you were thick because you didn’t know how you felt about me. Well, let me tell you that you did a very sensible thing — finish- ing with me — for this reason, that you weren’t sure that wheth- er you liked me enough to go out with me. Thank you again Audrey for your wisdom! You are very mature. In actual fact, altho[ugh] I myself feel very strong affection and love for you, I can’t say with ALL honesty that I KNOW that you are the right one for me to marry. So you did a very wise thing breaking up our relationship. Of course I miss you terribly — I also miss things like necking with you at the bus-stop; I have been very grieved this week when I remembered things we did like going to Brock with you, visiting you at your Grandma’s at Heysham, for I know that this can never happen again. On top of this I have been
tormenting hurting myself with by thinking that I could get off with you again. But DON’T blame yourself for this AT ALL! Don’t torment yourself by thinking that it’s all your fault that I am feel- ing this way. Remember, I WILL et over it! I hope you will not miss me too much. May the LORD give you comfort. I can say that with all sincerity, because the thoughts I feel for you are of the deepest, most affectionate kind. I love you, Audrey, in this way:– I feel warm, deeply affectionate thoughts about you, and that’s the way it should be! Al- though you don’t like me in the sense that you want to go out with me, I trust you have this same love toward me — this deep affection. I can assure myself that you do have this kind of love: it is shown by the fact that you DID finish with me when you found out that you didn’t like me enough to go out with me, instead of going out with me just for pity — Thank you — it is also shown by the fact that you are grieved because I have been grieved. Oh I love you so much — not a desire to go out with you, but this deeper love of which I have spoken. Please comfort yourself with these words. Now may the Lord fill you will all knowledge of himself, may your life grow rich by being in the closest union possible with himself — may you be filled with all joy and peace from him. I really mean these words, Audrey. I send all my love to you Johnx PS …
A bit embarrassing to read these words again! I can’t remember what was in the “P.S.”
[on Thursday]: The brackets are in the manuscript, i.e. not added by me for this transcript. The letter sent to Audrey would have read “tonight” at this point. Was this diary entry in fact the draft for the letter, I wonder? I ask this because of the alterations found later in the letter; they do not appear to be simply errors made while copying.
My calm acceptance of the situation was only short-lived, before distress asserted itself again, as is indicated by Johannine Writings XXV.35, XXVI.1–9.