1966![]() At the top right of this week’s page-opening, I scribbled: Got gen [information] on Catholics: Cf. Thursday 24th February 1966. In the NOTES section is a note relating to this evening’s Bible Study at the Full Gospel Church: The diary-entry proper for today is as follows: A Correspondence Course on Soulwinning — Lesson 1. 8th March 1966 is the date of posting to me of Lesson No.1 of “A Correspondence Course on Soulwinning” from the “International School of Evangelism” based at the Gospel Tabernacle, Pitts Road, Slough, Bucks. The author of the course and the director of the School of Evangelism was the minister of Gospel Tabernacle, W. T. H. Richards. Lesson 1 was entitled “The Soulwinner’s Task”. My first mention of the School of Evangelism is a note in my diary for the week 13th–19th February 1966: “Get Gen [information] from School of Evangelism”; and there are references to “soulwinning” at 18th, 19th and 20th February 1966. There was some kind of “pledge” to sign first and return (cf. Monday 11th July 1966), and then the course was despatched, one lesson at a time. The envelope that Lesson 1 came in had at its top left corner the logo of “Christian Witness”, the name of a magazine published by W. T. H. Richards. At the end of the lesson there were questions which had to be answered on an accompanying sheet, and the student also had to witness to three people and report about that on the sheet. The sheet was then sent back to Slough for marking, and returned with the next lesson of the course. When Jones later showed an interest in the Course, I didn’t get him to enrol with the School of Evangelism; instead, I gave him my copy of the lesson after making my own manuscript copy. I also wrote out an answer sheet for him to return to me. I gave him the pledge to sign on Monday 11th July 1966, gave him the first lesson perhaps on Tuesday 12th July 1966, and received the first answer sheet back on Wednesday 3rd August 1966. Click on the images below to enlarge. |
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